Polk County Georgia
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Why Join the LEPC?

In Polk County, including citizens, municipalities of Aragon, Cedartown and Rockmart and in partnership with local businesses, we are proactive in planning for an all hazards approach  to emergencies and or disasters. We feel an interagency approach is best for our communities. Working together to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recovery from emergencies and or disasters is in the best interest of our communities.

Section 302 requires that facilities with any extremely hazardous substances (EHS) above a certain threshold amount make notification to the State Emergency Response Commission and LEPC within 60 days of acquiring the substance on-site. All facilities, farms, private industry, and sites owned by public agencies are subject to this requirement. It is these facilities for which the LEPC must develop an emergency response plan applicable to its community as required under EPCRA Section 303. These facilities also report EHSs annually on their Tier II forms and indicate if the facility is subject to emergency planning. For assistance with your emergency planning please contact the LEPC.

So, join the Polk County LEPC and meet the emergency responders, citizens and other facilities. In coordination with all we can stive to make Polk County as safe as possible!

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