Polk County Georgia
+ 87° F

Tropical Storms

A tropical cyclone has maximum sustained surface winds ranging from 39-73 mph (34 to 63 knots). While Polk County is a long distance from the coast tropical weather can impact our community.

Tropical Storm Hazards

  • Flooding from heavy rains is the second leading cause of fatalities from landfalling tropical cyclones. Widespread torrential rains associated with these storms often cause flooding hundreds of miles inland. This flooding can persist for several days after a storm has dissipated.
  • Winds from a tropical storm can damage buildings and manufactured homes. Signs, roofing material, and other items left outside can become flying missiles during hurricanes.
  • Tornadoes can accompany landfalling tropical cyclones. These tornadoes typically occur in rain bands well away from the center of the storm.

Always take tropical storms seriously! The storms can be deadly!

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